
あした葉カルコンのガン細胞傷害活性 info


あした葉には主成分として2種類のカルコン類キサントアンゲロール及び4-ヒドロキシデリシン)が含まれています。カルコン類にガン細胞のアポトーシス誘導作用が認められることは以前に報告しました。 今回はこのカルコンによってガン細胞(ヒト肝癌由来細胞株 HepG2)が死滅してゆく映像を撮影しました。




(監修) 山口大学大学院医学系研究科 内海俊彦 教授

Cytotoxic activation of Ashitaba Polyphenol Chalcone on a cancer cell

Ashitaba contains two types of chalcones, which are Xanthoangelol and 4-Hydroxyderricin, as its main components. We reported that chalcones have the apoptosis inductive effect on cancer cell before, and this time we filmed how the chalcones kill the cancer cells (hepatoma-derived cell line HepG2).

◆ Control (no additive) Cancer cells once shrank and then divided into 2 cells. They increase repeating this process.
◆ Xanthoangelol When xathoangelol was added to the cancer cells, the cancer cells became frothy and died one after the other over a period of hours. This is a typical phenomenon of apoptosis (suicide death of cells) and the cancer cells die by degrading their own DNA.
◆ 4-Hydroxyderricin When 4-Hydroxyderricin was added to the cancer cells, the cancer cells drastically shrank within an hour and got destructed. This phenomenon is considered to be different from the mechanism of apoptosis.

Supervisor: Dr. Toshihiko Utsumi, Professor at Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan
